Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk / Katalog / TECHNICKÁ LITERATÚRA / Stavebníctvo, strojárstvo / Analog Signal Processing and Digitization in Measurement

Analog Signal Processing and Digitization in Measurement

EAN 9788001067178 ISBN 978-80-01-06717-8
Vydavatel České vysoké učení technické v Praze Počet stran 320
Rok vydání 2020 Formát

15,73 EUR s DPH
The book describes circuit devices and methods of analog signal processing from typical sensors of physical quantities and means for their digitization and reconstruction including description of selected methods of their digital processing The book is supplemented with practical principles of construction of analog digital systems in terms of the transmission and isolation of analog signals the method of printed circuit design the elimination of interfering signals the method of power supply and grounding of circuits It also contains examples of simulations of these circuits in time and frequency domain in MULTISIM program The book is suitable for college students of technical schools and specialists in the field of design construction and use of measuring systems for the measuring and processing of signals from conventional sensors of physical quantities

Príslušnosť kategórií

TECHNICKÁ LITERATÚRA / Stavebníctvo, strojárstvo
Autor: Vedral Josef
Nakladatel: České vysoké učení technické v Praze

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