Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk / Katalog / EKONOMICKÁ LITERATÚRA / Marketing a reklama / Where Social Media Marketing is Headed in Next 5 Years

Where Social Media Marketing is Headed in Next 5 Years

EAN 9781688577572 ISBN 978-1688577572
Vydavatel Počet stran 174
Rok vydání 2019 Formát

48,08 EUR s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
Na sklade: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
With the cutthroat competition that you might be experiencing in the industry that you are operating on there is no doubt that you need a proper marketing strategy Maybe you have been wondering why your competitors have a high demand for their products than you Well in today’s digitized environment more and more businesses are marketing their brands on social media Indeed with over 2 billion people on different social platforms you can be sure that you will reach your audience by marketing on social media All you need is to come up with the right marketing strategy that suits your brand Where Social Media Marketing is Headed in the Next 5 Years is the guide that you have been looking for to take you through the process of promoting your brand on different social platforms This guide takes a comprehensive look at some of the most important factors that you ought to comprehend to popularize your brand In addition it also provides you with a definitive strategy that will help you settle for an ideal social platform Frankly with the wide array of social channels out there it is easy to get confused on the best platform that aligns with your business goals Luckily this manual will tip you on vital considerations you should bear in mind to settle for the best That’s not all we understand the dilemma that business owners might be faced with when using social media to promote their brands for the first time Certainly social media marketing requires time and effort to guarantee that you successfully position your brand where it deserves to be in the market Concerning this Social Media Marketing 2019 will take you through a step by step process of creating a social media calendar to keep you on top of your game Disregarding social media in your marketing toolkit is the worst mistake that you should not do in 2019 and years to come Folks out there are looking for effective ways of interacting with their brands and social media provides just that What’s more there is a growing rate of people who engage in social buying Therefore your best move would be to engage in social selling by having an active social media presence

Príslušnosť kategórií

EKONOMICKÁ LITERATÚRA / Marketing a reklama
Autor: Chambers Henry

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