The Cold War : A World History

EAN 9780141979915 ISBN 978-0141979915
Vydavatel Penguin Books Ltd Počet stran 720
Rok vydání 2018 Formát

20,00 EUR s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
Na sklade: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
Masterly a book of resounding importance for appraising our global future as well as understanding our past Richard Davenport Hines The Times Literary Supplement Books of the Year A masterful survey that will set the standard for Cold War scholarship for years to come Jonathan Steele London Review of Books As Germany and then Japan surrendered in 1945 there was a tremendous hope that a new and much better world could be created from the moral and physical ruins of the conflict Instead the combination of the huge power of the USA and USSR and the near total collapse of most of their rivals created a unique grim new environment: the Cold War For over forty years the demands of the Cold War shaped the life of almost all of us There was no part of the world where East and West did not ultimately demand a blind and absolute allegiance and nowhere into which the West and East did not reach Countries as remote from each other as Korea Angola and Cuba were defined by their allegiances Almost all civil wars became proxy conflicts for the superpowers Europe was seemingly split in two indefinitely Arne Westad s remarkable new book is the first to have the distance from these events and the ambition to create a convincing powerful narrative of the Cold War The book is genuinely global in its reach and captures the dramas and agonies of a period always overshadowed by the horror of nuclear war and which for millions of people was not cold at all: a time of relentless violence squandered opportunities and moral failure

Príslušnosť kategórií

Autor: Odd Arne Westad
Nakladatel: Penguin Books Ltd

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