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Social Psychology : Revisiting the Classic Studies

EAN 9781473978652 ISBN 978-1473978652
Vydavatel SAGE Publications Počet stran 296
Rok vydání 2017 Formát 170 x 242 x 22.86mm

85,00 EUR s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
Na sklade: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
Revisiting the Classic Studies is a series of texts that introduces readers to the studies in psychology that changed the way we think about core topics in the discipline today It provokes students to ask more interesting and challenging questions about the field by encouraging a deeper level of engagement both with the details of the studies themselves and with the nature of their contribution Edited by leading scholars in their field and written by researchers at the cutting edge of these developments the chapters in each text provide details of the original works and their theoretical and empirical impact and then discuss the ways in which thinking and research has advanced in the years since the studies were conducted Social Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies traces 15 ground breaking studies by researchers such as Asch Festinger Milgram Sherif Tajfel and Zimbardo to re examine and reflect on their findings and engage in a lively discussion of the subsequent work that they have inspired Suitable for students on social psychology courses at all levels as well as anyone with an enquiring mind

Príslušnosť kategórií

Autor: Joanne R. Smith, S. Alexander Haslam
Nakladatel: SAGE Publications

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85,00 EUR s DPH
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doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
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