Understanding Homeland Security 3rd ed.

EAN 9781544355801 ISBN 978-1544355801
Vydavatel SAGE Publications Počet stran 432
Rok vydání 2019 Formát 203 x 254 x 28mm

99,62 EUR s DPH
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Na sklade: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
Gus Martin s Understanding Homeland Security provides students with a comprehensive introduction to U S homeland security in the modern world with a focus on the post September 11 2001 era This insightful resource examines the theories agency missions laws and regulations governing the homeland security enterprise through the lens of threat scenarios and countermeasures related to terrorism natural disasters emergency management cyber security and much more The Third Edition keeps readers on the forefront of homeland security with coverage of cutting edge topics such as the role of FEMA and preparedness planning; the role of civil liberty and countering extremism through reform; and hackings during the 2016 and 2018 U S elections Readers will gain much needed insight into the complex nature of issues surrounding today s homeland security and learn to think critically to analyze and respond to various threat environments

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Autor: Gus Martin
Nakladatel: SAGE Publications

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