Academic Skills Handbook

EAN 9781529796797 ISBN 978-1-5297-9679-7
Vydavatel SAGE Publications Počet stran 448
Rok vydání 2024 Formát

18,46 EUR s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
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This is your complete guide to success in navigating writing thinking and communicating at university Packed with tips diagnostic tools guided exercises and full text examples it equips you to boost your grades ace your assignments and get the most out of your time at university This book helps you: Prepare for and navigate university culture Develop the academic skills needed for success at university Communicate your ideas with confidence and clarity Watch your skills grow with diagnostic tools Create your own study plan tailored to the skills you need Know what your tutor is looking for and how to deliver Turn your skills into success after university The Academic Skills Handbook is specially designed to show you where your strengths are and what you need to work on so you get a practice plan that is perfect for your needs It then arms you with the principles and practice to get ahead in your academic writing presentations and group work What s new to this edition? Three chapters on university culture writing blogs and online and blended learning including best practices for using AI as a support tool as well as new annotated examples of course work and increased coverage of wellbeing Student Success is a series of essential guides for students of all levels From how to think critically and write great essays to boosting your employability and managing your wellbeing the Student Success series helps you study smarter and get the best from your time at university

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Nakladatel: SAGE Publications
Autor: Hopkins Diana, Reid Tom

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