Textbook on Land Law, 12th Edition

EAN 9780199540990 ISBN 9780199540990
Vydavatel Oxford University Press Počet stran 672
Rok vydání 2008 Formát B5

52,54 EUR s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
Na sklade: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
Textbook on Land Law guides students through the principles of contemporary land law from a practical perspective It focuses on the modern law confining discussion of historical developments to the minimum necessary to understand basic principles and concentrate on the law as it is now The book is consistently recommended to students for its accuracy and ease of use It is written in a direct and informal style explaining the law in non technical language and warning of possible misunderstandings and confusions Rules are illustrated by reference to real life situations in a fictitious town bringing the subject to life and enhancing the reader s understanding of problem areas Useful features include a glossary sample documents and further reading references The unique and straightforward approach taken by the authors has established Textbook on Land Law as the ultimate practical land law book and makes the subject interesting and accessible Online Resource Centre The accompanying Online Resource Centre includes regular cases and legislation updates and has annotated web links It also includes additional detail in relation to certain areas designed for those needing to have a greater knowledge of some older or more complex areas of land law

Príslušnosť kategórií

Autor: MacKenzie Judith-Anne;Phillips Mary
Nakladatel: Oxford University Press

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