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Business Law has been written to meet the requirements of the Legal Practice Course and provides all of the relevant material students need to understand the latest legal developments affecting business law transactions The guide provides practical up to date coverage of company partnership taxation and insolvency law plus all relevant aspects of EU law Coverage of the Companies Act 2006 has been more fully integrated into the book for the 2008 2009 edition mirroring the greater emphasis that courses are now placing on this important new legislation In addition a greater number of examples within the section on company law enable students to contextualise their learning effectively Development questions are included at the end of the book to test students awareness of issues raised Extensive and updated statutory references allow students to cross refer to appropriate primary sources or use the guide to interpret such sources Online Resource Centre This edition is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre providing student learning activities written by the authors These scenario based multiple choice questions are freely accessible and encourage students to assess their own knowledge and understanding The questions and accompanying feedback link directly to the material within the text and can be printed out to allow students to build up a permanent record of the exercises they have completed Students are also able to access a time line which makes clear which provisions of the Companies Act 2006 are in force and which are yet to come into force and when