The Economics of New Goods

EAN 9780226074153 ISBN 978-0-226-07415-3
Vydavatel The University of Chicago Press Počet stran 504
Rok vydání 1997 Formát 16x23cm

100,46 EUR s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
Na sklade: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
IHNED K ODESLÁNÍ New goods are at the heart of economic progress The eleven essays in this volume include historical treatments of new goods and their diffusion; practical exercises in measurement addressed to recent and ongoing innovations; and real world methods of devising quantitative adjustments for quality change The lead article in Part I contains a striking analysis of the history of light over two millenia Other essays in Part I develop new price indexes for automobiles back to 1906; trace the role of the air conditioner in the development of the American south; and treat the germ theory of disease as an economic innovation In Part II essays measure the economic impact of more recent innovations including anti ulcer drugs new breakfast cereals and computers Part III explores methods and defects in the treatment of quality change in the official price data of the United States Canada and Japan This pathbreaking volume will interest anyone who studies economic growth productivity and the American standard of living

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Autor: Bresnahan Timothy F.;Gordon Robert J.
Nakladatel: The University of Chicago Press

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