Marketing strategy

EAN 9780324362725 ISBN 978-0-324-36272-5
Vydavatel South-Western Počet stran 717
Rok vydání 2008 Formát B5

133,12 EUR s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
Na sklade: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
The powerful new MARKETING STRATEGY features its most aggressive case revision program to date The fourth edition includes seven all new cases written specifically for the text and five new outside cases from Harvard Business School and the Ivey School of Business while other cases have been updated and in most cases rewritten with a new focus And for the first time the book includes vibrant photographs and captions making it an even more exciting read in 12 succinct chapters MARKETING STRATEGY emphasizes teaching students to think and act like marketers It presents strategy from a perspective that guides strategic marketing management in the social economic and technological arenas in which businesses function today helping students develop a customer oriented market strategy and market plan Its practical approach to analyzing planning and implementing marketing strategies is based on the creative process involved in applying marketing concepts to the development and implementation of marketing strategy An emphasis on critical thinking enables students to understand the essence of how marketing decisions fit together to create a coherent strategy Well grounded in developing and executing a marketing plan the text offers a complete planning framework thorough marketing plan worksheets and a comprehensive marketing plan example for students to follow Highlighting the need for integrity in the strategic planning process the fourth edition covers the role of ethics and social responsibility earlier in the text and more tightly integrates it into the overall strategic planning framework And it notes that integrating and coordinating marketing decisions with other functional business decisions is key to achieving an organization s overall mission and vision With countless examples of successful planning and implementation the fourth edition illustrates how real firms face the challenges of marketing strategy in today s economy

Príslušnosť kategórií

Autor: Ferrell C.O.;Hartline D.Michael
Nakladatel: South-Western

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