Slovak Labour Law

EAN 9788073802202 ISBN 978-80-7380-220-2
Vydavatel Aleš Čeněk s.r.o. Počet stran 160
Rok vydání 2009 Formát A5

7,19 EUR s DPH
Na sklade: Rozebrané
In the work presented the authors analyze essential institutes of the Labour law of the Slovak Republic, which currently affects very substantially not only business environment, but also the quality of life of the employees themselves. Employment relations affect the production of the employer and hence product prices, which has positive or negative impact on the free competition in the European and world markets. It is very important for entrepreneur, who is in the legal position of employer, especially for a foreign entrepreneur, not to get into the conflicts with the labour inspection authority or into judicial labour disputes, which are very complicated and excessively long running in the last years, under the impression of the European labour law Therefore this work should be interesting especially for managers of companies, but also for students of secondary schools and universities, which are taught labour law in English and also for foreign students studying at Czech and Slovak universities and students under Erasmus program.

Príslušnosť kategórií

Autor: Barancová Helena, Olšovská Andrea
Nakladatel: Aleš Čeněk s.r.o.

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