Insurance Economics

EAN 9783642205477 ISBN 978-3-642-20547-7
Vydavatel Springer Verlag Počet stran 570
Rok vydání 2012 Formát B5

124,23 EUR s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
Na sklade: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
Insurance Economics brings together the economic analysis of decision making under risk risk management and demand for insurance by individuals and corporations objectives pursued and management tools used by insurance companies the regulation of insurance and the division of labor between private and social insurance Appropriete both for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of economics management and finance this text provides the background required to understand current research Predictions derived from theoretical argument are not only stated but confronted with empirical evidence Throughout the book conclusions summarize results helping readers to check their knowledge and understanding Issues discussed include paradoxa in decision making under risk selection of favorable risks by insurers the possibility of a death spiral in insurance markets and future challenges such as re regulation in the wake of the 2007 09 financial crisis and the increasing availability of generic information

Príslušnosť kategórií

Autor: Zweifel Peter, Eisen Roland
Nakladatel: Springer Verlag

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